Student Council

The Student Council consists of two elected student representatives from each year level across Years 7-13. Our role is to represent all Discovery College students in terms of wellbeing. We meet regularly to discuss a range of topics that relate to student needs and school improvement. The Student Council has been instrumental in establishing, amongst other things, the Student-run CCAs and Cultural Stories. We are also responsible for allocating an annual PTA grant for student-led initiatives, and we coordinate the Cafeteria Advisory Group.

Student Council Bios

Year 7

Christina WARWICK

Hi everybody, my name is Christina Warwick and I’m half Australian and half Canadian, though I was born in Hong Kong. I have been at DC since Year 1 and I have been elected to hold the title of Student Council Representative for Year 7 2021-22. As a Student Council Rep, I am excited to support all of you on this amazing Year 7 journey. In my spare time I enjoy doing many things including sports. I participate in swimming, soccer and running, back in 2019 I played for the under 11 soccer team along with the developmental swimming team and for two years I participated in running events. I believe that every students voice matters and every teacher’s voice matters. I can’t wait to guide Year 7 through this year, we are new to secondary but we can make a difference to the school.

Jaxson KLATT

I am a Year 7 Canadian student, passionate about dedicating my time and effort to the student council and students of DC. I love to get involved in cobra sports and house activities. I love hanging out with my friends and having fun with them. I am here for you if you have any questions or concerns about the 2021-2022 school year.

Year 8

Alexander Nolens-Liu

Hello. I am Alexander Nolens-Liu, from Belgium and China but born and raised in Hong Kong. I am 12 years old, I love to play football and I am proud to be a Year 8 Student Council Representative. I have been in Discovery College from Year 1 and I have taken the role of other leadership roles, but I have never been a Student Council Representative. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Student Council because of the new experiences and to help build a better community, if you ever have any questions or suggestions for DC you can always ask me and I will try my best to help.


My name is Riley and I am from Vancouver, Canada. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, as well as different sporting activities such as skiing, biking, tennis, football and many more. As part of the Student Council, I will try to make Year 8 as much fun as possible for everyone and I will always be open minded to any of your thoughts or opinions. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.


Hello, my name is Hazel. I’m from Hong Kong and was chosen by some of my peers to be a Year 8 Student Council Representative for 2021-2022. Outside of schoolwork, I enjoy hanging out with friends, making poorly made crafts on my favourite games and shows, ramen, and most of all just having a good time in general. I have been a class captain in Year 6 and a Student Ambassador in Year 7. I hope this year, although with COVID-19 restrictions can be as fun and memorable as every other year.


Year 9


My name is Daksh Gupta, I am 13 years old, I was born in India and both my parents are from India. I joined DC halfway through Year 8, I wanted to make some changes, that made me sign up for the Student Council and surprisingly got the role. My hobbies are reading novels, playing the guitar, studying, playing tennis and socialising with my friends. I hope to make the learning aspect in Year 9 more engaging for students, as now the studies have gotten harder and students will definitely be stressed at one point.

Crystal HUANG

Greetings! My name is Crystal, it’s a pleasure to be at your service as the Year 9 Student Council Elective. Congratulations to us! We’ve survived a year in the global pandemic, and as we continue to make efforts, adapting to new systems, schedules, expectations… there’s still an endless stream of challenges to face in the future. My aim is to further improve our learning environment, providing opportunities to support those who face struggles adapting. Whether it’s for the students or staff members, I hope to make long lasting impacts to benefit the years to follow. I’ve been admiring the past representatives of the Council for the longest time, which further determines me to contribute time and effort into the goals. Let’s make this year a memorable one.

Year 10


Hi, I’m Jane and I have been in Discovery College since Year 2. I’m from Hong Kong and have lived here my whole life. I enjoy playing volleyball, swimming, snowboarding and playing the bass. I am very proud and honoured to represent my cohort in the Student Council for the third year, first in Year 7 then Year 9. I hope this leadership position will allow me to help my peers feel comfortable enough to speak out and give feedback to the school, as well as help myself improve my leadership skills and be more involved with DC.


Hi, I’m George Heggie and I’ve been at Discovery College since the beginning, all the way in Year 1. Before moving to Hong Kong, I also went to school and lived in Australia, South Africa and the Philippines. As the new Year 10 Student Council representative I hope to impress, this year I will try to the extent of my ability to make this time in DC as great as it can be. I vow not be afraid to overcome challenges and obstacles that the students in my year may face, and be able to help students overcome them, to therefore help us all be the best that we can be and continue to Grow. Discover. and Dream.

Year 11


Hello, my name is Rea, and I am very honoured to be one of Year 11’s Student Council representatives. After taking this job last year as well, I feel very excited to return to it this year and hopefully create more positive change at DC. This year, I hope that I will be able to initiate more conversation in meetings, and encourage more student feedback and voice in order to create more student-driven school projects as well. I look forward to all that the Student Council can achieve in the upcoming year.


Hi, I am Lisa, English and Japanese but raised in Hong Kong. Through my ten years of being in Discovery College, I have had the privilege of various leadership roles that have helped strengthen my leadership and teamwork skills. I am very excited and honoured to represent my year level as well as Discovery College. I hope to make this school year very successful by contributing and helping students voice their opinions to ensure that they will have the best learning experience possible.


Hi, my name is Ian and I am a Student Council representative for Year 11 this year. I am Korean and have been living in Hong Kong for ten years now, and it’s now my 4th year in Discovery College. This is my first year in the Student Council and I’m very much looking forward to bringing some positive change and contributing back to our school while working with other Student Council representatives.

Year 12

Aaditya KUMAR

Hi, I am Aaditya Kumar and I’m honoured to be elected as the Year 12 Student Council representative for 2021-2022. I came to DC in Year 7 and have been extremely engaged in leadership opportunities within the school. I have been Year Level Ambassador several times and I was also chosen to be House Vice Captain in Year 10. My personal goal is to create meaningful bonds with the rest of the Student Council representatives. I believe I can achieve this by bringing my collaboration/communication skills to Student Council meetings. I think that not only is this an opportunity to be able to represent the school and my peers, it is also a crucial opportunity for me to develop as a Discovery College student. I am excited to work with the rest of the Student Council team and hopefully make significant changes to the school.


I’ve been a student at Discovery College since Year 7 and I’m honoured to be one of the Student Council representatives this year. I was an Ambassador for my year group in Year 10 and I’m also currently an HE Ambassador Trainee. I am a hardworking, dependable and enthusiastic worker, and I’ve developed greatly in my communication and collaboration skills over the years I’ve been at DC. I will be sure to bring all these skills and passion into my role as Student Council. As Student Council, I will listen to your problems and whatever else you have to say and I will make sure that your voices and concerns are heard. I look forward to working with the rest of the Student Council team and strive to make a difference in Discovery College.

Year 13


I am honoured to be elected as the Student Council for Year 13. Over the years I have had the privilege to work alongside my cohort and form connections with everyone. This being my last year in Discovery College, I decided to take on this leadership role in order to challenge myself. I feel like I have a good understanding of the needs of the student body and so I am delighted to represent them.

Yashita YOGESH

Hello! I’m Yashita and I’m incredibly honoured to have the opportunity to represent and voice the opinions of the oldest year group of the school as a Student Council representative. Ever since joining the DC community in Year 9, I have been very grateful for the many opportunities given as a student to grow. This being my last year as a Discovery College student, I would like to utilise all my experiences and implement the desires of our students and staff to exert a positive change beneficial to the school. I hope to improve the academic environment for my peers along with serving as a role model within the community.